

轉載自 Make your day金髮美女

美國人老是喜歡拿金髮美女來開玩笑... 總是說她們沒有長大腦

A Blonde, a Redhead and a Brunette find a beautiful mirror in an old antique shop. The owner tells them that is a magic mirror, if you say one true thing you will receive the desire of your heart, but if you tell a lie you will be sucked into the mirror forever.
They can no longer wait for trying the magic mirror....
The Redhead says to the mirror, "I think I am the most intelligent woman here" and *poof* a million dollars falls in her hands. The Brunette says to the mirror "I think I am the most beautiful woman here" and *poof* the keys to a mustang falls into her hands.
Next the Blonde says to the mirror, "I think..." and *poof* she disappears into the mirror forever.

哈哈 是不是很有趣呢
Chou, Chun-Min
Department of Psychology,National Taiwan Univ


